RESEARCH SUPPORTS LIFE, give life to research

What connection between science and the human spirit?

International professionals and scientists put their skills together in IRIS-3 to demonstrate in our lives

the presence of THE SPIRITUAL SOUL

If the soul dies out, the human life in us, in our family, in our work and on our planet will be extinguished

Let us rediscover our immortal soul, the most precious reality of every person

Home 9 Donations

Adopt a research!

You can help to demonstrate in our lives the presence of THE SPIRITUAL SOUL

Donate now:

-Bank transfer: IBAN IT58I0307502200CC8500943916, made out to the Iris-3 ETS Foundation, specifying in the payment description “Liberal donation for the project: project name »

– PayPal

-Non-transferable bank cheque made out to the Iris-3 ETS Foundation, sent in a closed envelope to the Iris-3 ETS Foundation, (insert address: «Fondazione IRIS-3 ETS», Via Lisippo 27, 00125 Roma)

Regular donation:

Scientific research needs reliable and constant funding to be able to grow at its best. A recurring donation allows us to plan ahead for our activities and give even more continuity in supporting research.

-Monthly donation PayPal

-Standing order bank transfer (IBAN IT58I0307502200CC8500943916, made out in the name of the “Iris-3 ETS Foundation”, specifying in the payment description: “Liberal donation for the project: Name of the project” or “Liberal donation for the Iris-3 Foundation”)

Plaese support our research

Qr code donations

Support a single research


5x1000 form

A signature for research with the 5×1000

You can allocate Irpef 5×1000 in the tax return by entering the Foundation’s tax code 9 6 5 2 5 3 0 0 5 8 6 in the box


Testamentary bequests

By means of a will, we can now choose to continue doing good even when we can no longer do it in person! By choosing to include in your will a gift for the IRIS-3 ETS Foundation, you ensure continuity to research and improve the future of those who will come after you.

There are different forms and ways in which a will can be made; there are two most commonly used types of will: the public will and the holographic will.

(a) The public will

It is written directly by the notary, with the presence of who makes the will (testator) and two witnesses. The notary keeps in his or her records the will, which is thus secured against any natural or human event.

(b) The holographic will

It is the actual compilation of the testamentary will directly written by the testator.
Of course, the will in this form shall not bear any erasures and all written words must be clear and legible. It cannot be machine-written or computer-written. It cannot be written by others (e.g. under dictation). The document must at the end bear the date and signature in full with the name and surname.

In memory of

With a memorial donation, you can remember one or more of your loved ones – a concrete gesture that allows them to continue to contribute to our scientific research.

Choose which area of research you would like to support and the IRIS-3 ETS Foundation will send to the family members of the person you wished to remember a personalized letter or e-mail signed by our President to communicate your gesture as a sign of closeness and participation; over time, we will also provide updates on the progress of the chosen research.

Donate now:

Bank Transfer: IBAN IT58I0307502200CC8500943916, made out in the name of the IRIS-3 ETS Foundation, specifying in the payment description  “Liberal donation for the project: name of the project, in memory of enter the name of the person to whom the research should be dedicated»



We want to do Research

Descend deeply into the human being

To know our true reality and its fundamental aspects

An ambitious journey that starts from various fields of knowledge

Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Economics, Psychology and comes to touch our soul


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